62 Twitter Tips in 140 Characters or Less Each

This was originally posted on my marketing/social media blog. However, all of these translate directly to bands and musicians using Twitter

I recently wrote an article full of tips for networking for musicians. This led to a few requests for tips on Twitter. Here are my tips, all delivered in 140 characters or less to help get you more followers, more engaged followers, and a more interesting profile.

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1) “Brevity is the soul of wit.” -Shakespeare.

2) Keep it sassy, funny, or quotable.

3) Follow people by industry or interest, and learn from them.

4) Listen before you post.

5) Be consistent, post as often as you can.

6) Timing matters more than grammar or spelling.

7) Watch for auto-correct. It’s a sneaky beast.

8) Learn the language: Twitter glossary.

9) There’s room for 140, but try to keep it to 100-120 characters.

10) Connect it with Klout.

11) Don’t tweet to enter stupid giveaways, it looks like spam.

12) Don’t spam!

13) Begin w/your contact list. Sync those first.

14) Use a URL shortner for all links you post .

15) Use the search bar to find new people to follow.

16) Incorporate hashtags when possible, it’s how people find you.

17) Get a great profile pic, the standard egg avatar looks like a spam account.

18) Avoid clicking on links sent via DM, too much spam there.

19) Give credit for others’ ideas.

20) Keep calm when a crisis rises.

21) Use Tweetdeck or Hootsuite to help manage multiple accounts & searches.

22) Connect Facebook to Twitter, but not the other way around.

23) Keep things tweet-worthy; no one cares about boring updates.

24) Be passionate.

25) Find your favorite topics and stick to them (it defines your brand).

26) Don’t overuse hashtags (2-3 most per post).

27) Use keywords in your profile but make it fun and searchable.

28) Spend more time talking about others than yourself.

29) Post your Twitter handle in your email signature, website, or other sites.

30) Be the kind of account that you want to follow.

31) Make people laugh.

32) RT good stuff.

33) Watch out for NSFW images in your feed.

34) Sign up for Twitter chats in your industry (best place to network).

35) Use the designated hashtag of events (also to network).

36) Share your best tweets on other platforms (blog, Facebook, website).

37) Post at different times of the day to see where your audience is.

38) You can tweet at people you admire, but don’t badger them.

39) It’s OK to post something more than once but don’t spam people with it.

40) RT/link when low on content .

41) Use #FF for contacts you like.

42) Don’t buy followers, earn them.

43) Abbrev. when poss. 4 more space.


45) People like pet pictures.

46) Read tweets twice before posting.

47) The more you tweet, the more followers you’ll have

48) The more you use Twitter, the better you’ll be at it

49) Try using Tweepi

50) Follow the recommended accounts, they’re usually decent.

51) Treat Tweets more like text messages than phone conversations

52) Be respectful, avoid tasteless comments in times of disaster

53) Don’t be a jerk. Avoid racism/sexism/or any ‘ism.

54) Share life hacks, tips, and advice.

55) Ask for advice when you don’t know.

56) Google “facts” before posting them.

57) Avoid using automated, repeated, scheduled tweets.

58) Profile: Link to your own site, not other social media.

59) A little wit makes everything better: tweets, replies, bios, etc.

60) Answer this: Why should someone follow you?

61) Organize profiles you like by lists.

62) Give props to others, they like that.

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